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Kathy is a writer preparing for marriage. It’s the summer of 2017, and the world around her is falling apart. In the swift and unrelenting novel Crudo, Olivia Laing focuses on an artist who is afraid of commitment and who may—or may not—be Kathy Acker.
From a luxurious hotel in Tuscany to a Brexit-stricken London, Kathy spends her first summer in her forties trying to come to terms with the idea of lifelong commitment. But it’s not just Kathy who is changing. Fascism is on the rise, truth feels increasingly elusive, the planet is overheating, and Trump’s tweets are pushing the world closer to nuclear catastrophe. How can one create art and continue living when a single reckless tweet could destroy everything?
In Crudo, Olivia Laing radically reimagines the novel, offering a sharp yet compassionate view on learning to love when the end of the world feels alarmingly close.
Crudo is a novel that stands as one of British author Olivia Laing’s most notable works. Written against a backdrop of political and social upheaval, it offers a deep and insightful perspective on modern life. If you are not yet familiar with Laing's work, Crudo is a perfect starting point, as it has earned widespread acclaim from both readers and critics.