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Until now, the name of Anna Barvinok appeared on the pages of Ukrainian publications only in the company of her extremely famous husband, Panteleimon Kulish. The life and work of this woman are truly inextricably linked with him, but we have unfairly forgotten Oleksandr Kulishev, whose mother is from Bilozersk. The stories of Hanna Barvinok, taken from the mouths of the people, were in no way inferior to the works of Mark Vovchka or Natalia Kobrynska, but her pseudonym was lost in history, obscured by louder names, and Oleksandra Kulisheva herself dissolved in the glow of her husband and his glorious circle of friends. The material for this book is collected from scraps and manuscripts, some of which have been deciphered and published for the first time. Some memories have been in manuscripts in the archives for more than a hundred years. Even her photos are almost gone - such a big shadow from the famous Kulish fell on Anna Perivinok.