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Almost twenty years ago, the heroes of "Anarchy in the UKR" made an ideological journey to the East of Ukraine, the places of Nestor Makhno's military glory. While traveling through Donbas, they were looking for answers to the question - what is will-freedom-anarchy? Is there a line between them and where is it?
What is "freedom"? Is it too little or, on the contrary, too much? What makes us free? What prevents us from being free? We will find the answer to these and other questions in Serhiy Zhadan's travel book.
In 2014, the author again visited the territory that was once the territory of anarchism. But this time - in a very electrified atmosphere, when the very air is permeated with war... Not the ancient one, from the time of Nestor Ivanovych, but more than modern...
This journey is described in the "Luhansk Diary", which was also reprinted together with the story "Run Without Stopping" - a story about one day in the life of Khudyi: a simple boy from a nameless city in the East of Ukraine. A day filled with doubt and uncertainty, a day filled with love and sadness. A day when the weather changes and circumstances change. The last peaceful day in his life...
Kateryna Kosyanenko's painting "Evening Light" (2023) is used on the cover.