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Valerian Pidmohylny wanted to write a novel in which the master of the ship would be a woman. He wrote "A Little Drama" - a novel about new relationships, a new way of life, a new morality, and eternal questions that arise in the unexpected surprises of the age of technological progress. Crazy irrational passion or cold rational calculation - who will come out victorious in a duel? Is victory even possible if both love and suffering are just standard protein reactions? Pidmohylyny skilfully enacts a small drama on the chamber stage, the name of which is life. This is one of the best philosophical novels in Ukrainian literature of the 20th century.
About the author:
Ambitious, talented frontman Valerian Pidmohylny attracted people around him like a magnet. Having come from the very bottom of society, and having no fundamental education, he reached the heights of fame as a writer while still a young man. But such a diamond, which elevates Ukrainian literature to philosophical heights, had no place in the world of the Union of Soviets. Pidmohylny's life was cut short by a bullet from moscow executioners in the Sandarmoh tract. The Vivat Classics series returns to readers one of his most outstanding works - "A Little Drama".