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Nanny Ogg's Cookbook

Артикул: 9780552146739
630 грн
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Автор Террі Пратчетт
Видавництво Transworld Digital
Рік видання 2003
Кількість сторінок 176
Ілюстрації Чорно-білі
ISBN 9780552146739
Мова видання Англійська
Палітурка М'яка
Формат 130х200 мм

Термін обробки замовлень - 1-5 робочих днів.

Самовивіз з наших книгарень — безкоштовно.

Доставка "Новою Поштою" по Україні — згідно тарифів перевізника.

"Укрпоштою" по Україні — згідно тарифів перевізника.

Міжнародна доставка "Укрпоштою" — згідно тарифів перевізника.

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'They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach which just goes to show they're as confused about anatomy as they generally are about everything else unless they're talking about instructions on how to stab him, in which case a better way is up and under the ribcage. Anyway, we do not live in a perfect world and it is foresighted and useful for a young woman to become proficient in those arts which will keep a weak-willed man from straying. Learning to cook is also useful.'

Nanny Ogg, one of Discworld's most famous witches, is passing on some of her huge collection of tasty and above all interesting recipes since everyone else is doing it. But in addition to the delights of the Strawberry Wobbler and Nobby's Mum's Distressed Pudding, Mrs Ogg imparts her thoughts on life, death, and etiquette ('If you go to other people's funerals they'll be sure to come to yours'), courtship, children, and weddings, all in a refined style that should not offend the most delicate of sensibilities. Well, not much.

Most of the recipes have been tried out on people who are still alive.

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