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Мій кошик

The Milkman in the Night

Артикул: 9780099548867
500 грн
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Автор Андрій Курков
Видавництво Vintage Books
Рік видання 2015
Кількість сторінок 480
ISBN 9780099548867
Мова видання Англійська
Палітурка М'яка

Термін обробки замовлень - 1-5 робочих днів.

Самовивіз з наших книгарень — безкоштовно.

Доставка "Новою Поштою" по Україні — згідно тарифів перевізника.

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Міжнародна доставка "Укрпоштою" — згідно тарифів перевізника.

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A new masterpiece from the author of the cult classic Death and the Penguin.

     Semyon is disturbed. He has woken up in the living room with blood on his shirt, an angry wife, and no idea where he was the night before. When this happens several mornings in a row, he realizes he needs to investigate. After his friend Volodka follows him one night, they discover he's meeting a tall, blonde woman and accompanying her to her apartment. In the daytime, he doesn't know this woman or where her apartment is, and, odder yet, someone is watching Volodka watching Semyon. Meanwhile, there are some strange goings-on in Kyiv -- an unemployed sniffer-dog handler makes a dangerous discovery, a single mother is providing breast milk for an unusual recipient and a vengeful cat is on the loose.

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